Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ladybugs LOVE Aphids!

Yesterday I went down to the local gardening center and picked up a bag of ladybugs.  My pepper plants were just covered in little white bugs.  Either aphids or white flies, I'm not 100% sure which, but either way they are destructive.  So at dusk yesterday evening, I released the ladybug brigade on my pests.  And it worked amazingly!  Upon review today, I didn't see a single aphid!  Well, there were 1,500 ladybugs after those aphids, after all!
So now my beautiful sweet pepper can continue to grow in relative peace.  My tomatoes were not yet effected by the pests that I could tell, but I have faith that my beautiful ladybugs will continue to do a proper job of guarding my garden.

Oh, and since I'm here, I might as well show you my squash in process!  Que bueno, si?

I love Ladybugs!

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